St. Ignatius Orthodox Church

Audio Upgrade

St. Ignatius Orthodox Church has one of the most beautiful and dramatic worship spaces you'll encounter anywhere. The cross-shaped Temple is a classical Byzantine design with a large nave, side aisles and a grand dome at the nave and transept. The walls and parts of the ceiling throughout the Temple are covered with hand-painted iconography depicting the life of Christ.

The challenge St. Ignatius presented to Strata was to improve sound intelligibility from the audio system during their services. Because the walls, ceiling, and dome are a "canvas" for icons, they are all constructed with hard surface materials. That means there is no place on any surface for traditional acoustical materials.

Strata installed Flat Panel Audio (formerly Tectonic) DML speakers to solve the unique challenge this space presented.   The speakers’ design produces a diffused sound pattern that minimizes sound interactions with the room. Translated, that means they are very resistant to feedback in a difficult acoustical environment like the Temple at St. Ignatius.

The new audio system has transformed the sound experience at St. Ignatius. Parishioners can now clearly hear and understand everything going on in the room.  Visiting clergy, who have worshiped in Orthodox Churches the world over, regularly comment that the sound at St. Ignatius is the best they've heard!